Relief of muscle and joint pain
Treating your condition in a holistic and empathetic manner, we are dedicated to achieving treatment goals and progress to improve your strength, stability and movement. Conditions treated include neck pain, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff problems, shoulder pain, thoracic pain, spinal problems, hip/pelvis pain, knee pain and foot/ankle disorders. We work closely with Orthopaedic surgeons and have a wealth of experience doing post surgical rehabilitation. We are registered with most insurance companies and you can use ourselves for your post-operative physiotherapy.
Our physiotherapists have a range of experience in both private and public health care including rotational posts ensuring we can provide a holistic assessment of your injury. We have a range of skills to help improve your problems including manual therapy, massage, exercises, advice, acupuncture, taping and heat/cold therapy. We are dedicated to progressing our skills and regularly attend lectures in how to manage injuries more effectively. Certificates obtained include a diploma in Spinal Manual therapy, shoulder instability (Jo Gibson), blood flow restriction, The performance matrix (Mark Comerford), Hip and Groin (James Moore), Foundation Acupuncture (AACP), Pilates level 1 (APPI), Shoulder (Jeremy Lewis), Foot/Ankle (Paul Harradine).
Our physiotherapists have worked in a variety of settings treating musculoskeletal disorders including health centres, private practise, occupational health (Aberdeen City Council, Offshore), sports teams, workplace, events and building sites. We keep up to date with physiotherapy and medical journals in order to provide you with up to date evidence based treatment. Please look at our blog page to keep up to date with any treatment developments., taping and accupuncture. With over 11 years experience, we ar ewell placed to advise, treat and allieviate the vicious cycle of pain.